Legkaka - Placenta

Within the intricate dance of creation and protection, “Legkaka - Placenta” stands an abstract reflection of the biological marvel that is birthing a baby. In this abstract interpretation of the placenta the tinted flex foam serves as the tender core, embodying the nurturing embrace and life-giving essence found at the heart of a healthy placenta. Encased in iridescent silicone, these placentas encapsulate a symbolic representation of the outer layer, mimicking the protective shield that envelopes the precious life within.

The pastel and vibrant hues echo the delicate, yet vibrant spectrum of emotions and experiences, echoing the plasenta’s role as a guardian of life’s genesis.

Thus, the “Legkaka - Placenta” becomes not just art but a visual ode to the wondrous ways of the body and the profound beauty and resilience found in the biological rhythms of creation.

Handmade, tinted flex foam with pearl-dusted silicone hube.

20.000 ISK pr. piece. Available in various versions.


Enchanted harmoy, fragments of time
